BIND 9.5.0-P1 exiting due to assertion failure in rbtdb.c

Chris Adams cmadams at
Thu Aug 7 18:59:12 UTC 2008

Once upon a time, Kai Lanz  <lanz at> said:
>We're seeing a failure very similar to what Bob McElrath reported. We  
>installed BIND 9.5.0-P1 on Alpha/Tru64-4.0G (we had previously been  
>BIND 8). After an hour and a half, named terminated with the  
>following log

Have you tried rebuilding with --disable-threads?  I had to do that on
Tru64 5.1B or named would exit (I don't remember if it was the same
assertion now though).

Chris Adams <cmadams at>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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