unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL)

Michael Bernhardt MBernha at bart.gov
Fri Jan 19 18:02:01 UTC 2007

I just solved this myself. The w.x.y.z below is our own external nameserver,
reporting back about some outside addresses it couldn't resolve. Looking at
the archives, I found out that this message is generated because of lame
servers.  Since there's nothing I can do about these outside addresses and
our own servers work correctly, I added
category lame-servers { "null"; };

That seems to have done the trick.

>From: "Michael Bernhardt" <MBernha at bart.gov>
>Subject: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL)
>Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 15:39:59 -0800
>I'm running 9.3.3.
>Jan 18 10:00:46 dns-server named[27452]: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL)
>resolving '': w.x.y.z#53
>Jan 18 10:00:59 dns-server named[27452]: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL)
>resolving '': w.x.y.z#53
>Jan 18 10:01:26 dns-server named[27452]: unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL)
>resolving '': w.x.y.z#53
>I understand what these messages mean, but since this server is set up for
>forward-only, I don't care about them. How do I tell named not to log

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