Querying root for lists of a nameservers gTLD zones.

nocturnal nocturnal at swehack.se
Wed Aug 9 07:55:51 UTC 2006


In a recent e-mail conversation with a person i was shown that it is 
possible to query the root nameservers for lists of all .com .net .org 
.biz .info domains that point to a certain nameserver without having 
much background information except for the host of the nameserver. The 
person i talked to would not show me how he did this but he did give me 
a list he had queried the roots for about my nameservers and it matched 
up pretty well. I know it's not a list from my registrar because the 
registrar has more domains of those TLDs that don't point to those 
nameservers and were not in the list.

Everyone i have asked have told me that this is impossible to do, i'm 
hoping someone on this list can either confirm that it is possible or 
show me how he did this. I would really like to know this because i'm 
very interested in learning more about DNS. An explanation of how this 
query works would be appreciated.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Stefan Midjich aka nocturnal
[Swehack] http://swehack.se

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