syncronizing 2 dns server (windows/linux)

/dev/rob0 rob0 at
Tue Sep 27 07:27:25 UTC 2005

On Monday 2005-September-26 22:07, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > Again, what is the goal for the BIND distribution: To be used as
> > easily as possible, or only to be used by people who have time to
> > invest in reading and understanding the docs totally, who have the
> > time to invest in making customized configs?
> 	Yes we do expect people to read and know what they are doing.

That's reasonable, but so is Michael's request.

> 	There really isn't a default configuration caching configuration
> 	that fits all situations.
> 	* Is the cache behind a NAT?  If so you need to account for that.

One commented line in the sample.

> 	* Is the cache just for the host machine or is it for a network?

Another one.

> 	* Do you want to enable DNSSEC or not?  If so what keys do you
> 	  trust?  Do you want to enable DLV?

I don't think this is an issue for people who want simple caching 

> 	* Do you have direct access to the root servers or not?
> 	* Have you registered the domain name you are using or not?

No, these are definitely NOT issues for simple caching nameservers. If 
they have direct access to the root servers (um, what exactly does that 
mean?) they probably know something already. And if they want to serve 
their domain name to the world, by all means, they certainly need to 

> 	The list of questions goes on and on.  To answer the questions
> 	you really do need to have a understanding of what you are

Does it really? I don't think so. I have set up several sites with no 
internal nor external DNS, simply using the default Slackware config, 
for all local hosts to use. I was surprised recently here when I was 
told that installing from source is not that simple.

The kind of config Michael and I are talking about is probably widely 
useful! If I had known how easy BIND was I might never have taken a 
detour through djbdnsland. :)

>       Yes that means you really should read a book like "DNS and
>       BIND" from cover to cover several times.

I have gotten by so far without that. I've taught myself through 
experimentation (ouch!) and the ARM.
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