dig and the searchlist

Uwe Gansert ug at suse.de
Mon Sep 5 15:58:24 UTC 2005


I use bind 9.3.1 on i386 platform.

in my resolv.conf I have the entry "search suse.de".
So if I do=20
> dig +search taylor
and I sniff with tcpdump, I can see the query for taylor.suse.de and that's=
correct and gets resolved.

But if I do a
> dig +search www.taylor
then with tcpdump I can see:
> 36052+ A? www.taylor. (28)
> 36052 NXDomain 0/1/0 (103)

the answer is NXDOMAIN and the search list is not used anymore. Dig does no=
try "www.taylor.suse.de" what I would expect because of the "+search".
Can someone explain me why this is the case?

ciao, Uwe Gansert

Uwe Gansert, Server Technologies Team
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 N=FCrnberg, Germany
e-mail: uwe.gansert at suse.de, Tel: +49-(0)911-74053-0,
=46ax: +49-(0)911-74053-476, Web: http://www.suse.de     =20

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