Blackholing / Load help

Mark Andrews Mark_Andrews at
Tue Nov 29 23:11:21 UTC 2005

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> Hello,
> For a multitude of reasons we are managing a very large blackhole list on
> our DNS servers.  One of the reasons i mentioned a month or so ago in this
> list in that we get a huge number of bogus ANY ANY queries to our servers
> from DNS attacks.  Anyway not what I'm here to discuss.
> What I'm wondering is if there is a limitation to the size of the blackhole
> list and is it's size directly proportional to processing power.

	There is no limit other than the memory required to support it.
> For example, if we have 15,000 ip's in that list and the servers are having
> trouble answering queries (often failling to respond) will increase the
> power of the machine processor and memory wise help that problem, or is the
> problem inherit within the BIND applicatoin and it just can't process a file
> that big?
> Also i know you can subnet the entries in that file.  Does that help or
> hinder BIND when processing the file?   If i have 15,000 individual IP's
> versus say 10,000 CIDR listings which is easier for BIND to process.

	Individual addresses are treated as /32 or /128.
> Any help would be much appreciated.  We are on the verge of throwing new
> machines out onto network nationwide and I want to size them accordingly.

	The acl code is pretty simple.  See lib/dns/acl.c.
> Also seperately did anyone know that you can not put a CIDR less the /9 in
> the blackhole list?  If you do bind immediatly throws SERVFAIL on any query
> you try to make from any IP. 

	I can't parse the above.  An example would help.
> scott mclaughlin 
> sr. systems engineer
> v:360/759/9605 | f:360/906/9824 
> -. . ...- . .-.   .- .-. --. ..- .   .-- .. - ....   .- -.   .. -.. .. --- -
> .-.-.-   - .... . -.--   -.. .-. .- --.   -.-- --- ..-   -.. --- .-- -.   -
> ---   - .... . .. .-.   .-.. . ...- . .-..   - .... . -.   -... . .- -
> -.-- --- ..-   .-- .. - ....   . -..- .--. . .-. .. . -. -.-. . .-.-.- 
> Find me on googleIM @ srv1054
> - "ACK and you shall receive."
> - "In The Beginning there was nothing, which exploded"
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at

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