Improve BIND performance

Joe Shen sj_hznm at
Thu Mar 24 10:11:02 UTC 2005


is there any recommendation on improving BIND

We use BIND as cache server which provide DNS service
to our subscribers. We noticed its load increase
continuously with time. As we installed BIND with
default configuration, it is thought there should be
possibility to improve its performance by tuneing
server parameters. Now comes my questions:

1) Is there any recommendation for BIND installation? 
 we use solaris 9 ( SPARC) with 2GB memory, the disk
swap operation should be a part of reason for BIND
performance; So, can I configure BIND to hold all
cached RR in memory? 

2) Is there any recommendation for OS parameter
tuneing to improve BIND performance? 

3) Is there any software to monitor concurrent
requestes, successful rate, memroy utilization, CPU
load of each server?  I SNMP could track some
paramter, but what about BIND's concurrent requests &
successful rate?

thanks in advance.


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