No Slave Servers?

Peter Dambier peter at
Wed Jun 29 17:31:21 UTC 2005

John McGowan wrote:
> Our BIND servers are all master servers.
> It's like that because our named.conf and .zone files are part of a CVS 
> repository which includes an ant build.xml file
> Our process is to checkout the repository, make the appropriate changes, 
> check in the changes, and do an "ant push" to push all the files to all 
> of our dns servers.  This way I don't have to maintain a different 
> named.conf file for slave servers, the configs are all identical.
> I am by no means an expert in this field, just a software developer 
> forced to wear the sysadmin hat every once in a while.  Am I missing 
> something by not setting up slave servers?  I ask because that seems to 
> be quite a hot topic on this list... (which is partly why I like my 
> config... I haven't had to ask many questions about it)
> /John

Hi John,

You dont need slaves. Masters will do.

The difference between masters and slaves: The masters have the files.
The slaves copy the files like "dig '' axfr".

Without the slaves there is no worry about things like notify etc.

As the slaves are just as authoritative about their zones as are the
masters, there is no difference between masters and slaves. An outsider
cannot tell the difference.

Peter and Karin Dambier
Peter and Karin Dambier
Graeffstrasse 14
D-64646 Heppenheim
+49-6252-671788 (Telekom)
+49-6252-750308 (VOiP:
+49-179-108-3978 (O2 Genion)
+1-360-226-6583-9563 (INAIC)
mail: peter at

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