notify option does not work in Bind 9.x, is this a known bug?

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Feb 21 05:43:28 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Steven" == Steven Job <list3 at> writes:

    >>  Since anycasting is orthogonal to the number of zones, I
    >> suspect you have a configuration problem. Unless of course
    >> you're loading tens of thousands of zones, each of which
    >> requires tens of NOTIFYs and this is creating internal queue
    >> management problems for BIND: eg "too many" pending NOTIFYs
    >> locks out some internal data structure or the server can't send
    >> out the NOTIFYs fast enough or something like that.

    Steven> Well yes I will need over 100k zones eventually.  But
    Steven> right now it is only 50k for testing purposes.  The
    Steven> strange part is that this works perfect on a setup (many
    Steven> more zones) where there is no anycast and it just uses the
    Steven> NS records for the NOTIFY ( 5 NS records).  These anycast
    Steven> servers are much more powerful so I wouldn't expect them
    Steven> to get stuck in pending NOTIFY locks.

    Steven> Is it possible to clear out the queue of the notifies?

No. But even if it was possible, you've still to establish if a wedged
queue is the source of the problem. Proving that means walking through
a core dump or running the server with the debugging turned up. Which
takes me back to what I said earlier. If the server isn't sending
NOTIFYs and you believe it should be doing that, it's probably a
bug. That should be followed up with a bug report.

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