Master/Slave and Views

Thomas Bange tb at
Mon Aug 22 09:54:28 UTC 2005


I'm using bind 9.3.1 and like to setup external and=20
internal views.

Most zones (about 30) should be the same in both views,
about 5 zones should be in the internal view and one
zone should be in both, but with only one host which
should by dynamic and resolv to different ip's,
depending on the view.

So I moved all common zones into a seperate file (say
zones.common), the zones which should be only visible
from the internal network into a seperate file (say=20
zones.internal) and the zone which should be differnet
from extern into a seperate file (say zones.external).

In my named.conf I configured the following 2 views:
(mynetworks is an ACL with all my internal networks)

view "internal" {
        match-clients { mynetworks; };
        recursion yes;

        include "/etc/named/zones.common";
        include "/etc/named/zones.internal";

view "external" {
        match-clients { "any"; };
        recursion no;

        include "/etc/named/zones.common";
        include "/etc/named/zones.external";

First question is: Is this the right way to configure
this setup? Can the same zone files be used for both=20

In my network I also have a slave nameserver in my=20
local network. How do I setup the slave to replicate
both views?

And finally a somewhat tricky question. As mentioned
above, I have a special zone. This zone only holds one=20
record. The external view should be dynamic and only be
updateable from the internal network. The internal view=20
should hold only one static record (both point to the
same Server, but with differnet ip's, depending on the
origin of the request). Can this be done? Can the external
view be updated from the internal network? I'm using TSIG=20
for dynamic updates.

Thanks and greetings,

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