win 2k3 ads and bind 9.2.1 integration

Jamie Crawford crawford at
Tue Aug 2 16:19:09 UTC 2005

I've got a domain structure of "". I've seperated active =
directory by creating its own subdomain of "".   We are =
using bind 9.2.1 for our root domain of "" and I want to use =
the Windows2k3 servers to handle all the active directory dns requests in =
"".  I want to do this without changing our client =
configurations through dhcp.  Through documentation I've read on the web =
and books (Oreilly Active Directory Cookbook for 2k3 and 2k pg 551-552) =
all I should have to do is enter this in my /etc/named.conf and the 2k3 dc =
should dynamically update my zone files with all relevant information.


zone "" IN {
type master;
file "";
allow update { ip of dc's;  };
$TTL 3600
@ IN SOA ( 1025 900 600 =
86400 3600 )   IN  NS  ads1   IN  NS  ads2
ads1  IN   A
ads2  IN   A

After restarting bind and restarting the domain controllers, I expected to =
have the domain controllers to dynamically update the zone file with all =
the relevant information that would be in the netlogon.dns file. To my =
surprise, no updates occured.  Instead I got the domain controllers trying =
to update my reverse zone of ";arpa/IN' denied" and =
erroring out with the usual "cant update dns message"  I then went into =
the reverse zone config in named.conf and allowed both domain controllers =
to "allow-updates". I restarted named and the dc's and=20
that made the dc's happy, but it didn't update my zone =
file with any information.

If anyone has any ideas or experience where to go next, it would be =
greatly appreciated.


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