DNS load balancing with CNAME possible?

John Wrate lolo8000 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 16 17:18:24 UTC 2005

Hi all.

I have 2 dsl connections with dynamic ip addresses which have ports 25
and 110 forwarded to the same host. I want to balance the load between
the two dsl Internet connections by doing this:

pop.mydomain.com.   300   IN   CNAME   dsl1.gotdns.com.
                          IN   CNAME   dsl2.gotdns.com.

But, the gotdns.com domain is not managed or hosted by me. What it is
is a free service (by dynip.org) where I have registered and that will
update the ip address of either of the dsl connections in case my ISP
changes it.

Is it possible to do this?  I tried and my dns will only resolve for
pop.mydomain.com with the last CNAME in the list. Is there any way to
do this and if so what am I doing wrong?  When I use ip addresses (A
type records) it works very nice.

Finally, my named server is running on a Linux host and while I
haven't yet figured out how to know the bind version, the man pages
displays "4th Berkeley Distribution"

Any help will be appreciated.

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