Why is nsupdate in $prefix/bin instead of $prefix/sbin?

Doug Barton DougB at DougBarton.net
Mon Sep 27 03:20:43 UTC 2004


Pardon me if this is a silly question, but I'm curious about the
reasoning. The nsupdate binary is being installed in $prefix/bin, in
spite of the fact that it seems to me to be much more of a "system"
binary than a "user" binary, and the man page is still in section 8. Is
it anticipated that unprivileged users would need to run nsupdate? If
so, then placing it in bin makes sense, but doesn't that imply that the
manual should move to section 1?

I'm asking because we are almost done with the finishing touches of
installing BIND 9.3.0 in the FreeBSD base distribution, and I want to be
sure that the way we do this best fits the long term, most desirable




	If you're never wrong, you're not trying hard enough

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