subdomain problem...

Len Conrad LConrad at
Mon Sep 13 00:10:47 UTC 2004

>The subdomain can contain several zones

that doesn't make sense.

a zone is domain that has been delegated.

>, so what is
>the goal putting them all together in one zonefile?

You can't have data of several zones in a single zone file. A zone file 
contains records for one zone.  An exception is glue records.

>If it is a question of defining what a zone or a domain is, in "DNS & Bind"
>from O'Reilley in chapter 2.4 it's defined like this:
>"The difference between a zone and a domain is important, but subtle. All
>top-level domains, and many domains at the second level and lower, like
> and, are broken into smaller, more manageable units by
>delegation. These units are called zones."

That's a poorly written paragraph for defining a zone, putting examples
before the definition.

Everything in DNS is a domain.

"a zone is domain that has been delegated."

.com is sub-zone of "." root zone is sub-zone .com

.. re-iterated at lower levels.


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