How do we get the info obtained by the dhcp client?

Simon Hobson shobson0309 at
Fri Sep 10 09:02:34 UTC 2004

Swapna Prasad wrote:

>How do we get the info obtained by the client ?
>Can anyone clarify these things for me...
>my understanding is
>        dhcp client is run as a part of the boot up. The client reads 
>the conf file when it starts. The conf file contains all the options 
>that I need info on. The client sends these info to the server and 
>gets the response.
>What I don't understand is ..
>Does the dns client stores these data and if so where and can we 
>read from this file. if so Is this feasible across various platforms.
>Is this information request from the server a one time process.
>  can we run the dhcp client to get some other info when ever we need 
>it. or  do we have to incorporate code similar to dns client and get 
>the info from the server..
>Can anyone please clarify these for me.

It is client specific. In the case of (for example) Windows, you have 
no access at all to the information since it is handled by the 
operating system and I assume there is no documented way to get at it.

In the case of systems such as Linux, clients such as the ISC 
dhclient are configurable and I assume (I've never worked directly 
with it) that you can script how it behaves and what information it 
puts where - the default is something like configuring the network 
interface, default route, and populating /etc/resolv.conf (resolver 
(DNS) configuration).



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