Bind chrooted not save logs in /var/adm/messages

David Botham DBotham at
Wed Sep 8 18:33:17 UTC 2004

bind-users-bounce at wrote on 09/07/2004 06:20:38 AM:
> Hi,
>    sorry for the question. My english is very bad.
> I have a named chrooted and works well, except that  it's not possible
> to see messages of process named in /var/adm/messages. How I can to
> resolve this problem?

As the others have said, this is OS dependent.  However, if you want 
syslog to capture named's messages you will need to configure syslogd to 
open a unix socket in the jail.

Check out this link:

under the section "Logging".


> Thank you very much.
> Regards.

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