bind 9.2.3 does not run threaded on Linux RH Enterprise

Vinny Abello vinny at
Fri Sep 3 15:24:03 UTC 2004

At 11:11 AM 9/3/2004, Mats Dufberg wrote:
>We have Intel servers with dual CPU and hyper threading (4 logical CPU's)
>running "Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon)" with kernel
>We want to run bind 9.2.3 threaded on those machines, so I've configured
>with --enable-threads and compiled. There are no compilation error, but
>when I execute bind it just starts and disappear. The only traces are the
>following log entries
>    ... named[28838]: starting BIND 9.2.3 -u named -c /etc/named.conf
>    ... named[28838]: using 4 CPUs
>I've tried to increase logging but no more traces are given.
>We also tried BIND 9.2.4rc7 with the same result.
>Does anybody have any information to share?

Are you sure it's not running? You didn't specify the -f switch to run it 
in the foregound. It might have daemonized itself and is actually running. 
I can start BIND 9 on a few *nix variants and it will daemonize itself 

Vinny Abello
Network Engineer
Server Management
vinny at
(973)300-9211 x 125
(973)940-6125 (Direct)
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