rndc: connect failed: connection refused

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Sun Oct 17 13:09:45 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Mathews <greg at hostingtheinter.net> writes:

    Greg> To restart named etc I've been using the command line

    Greg> /etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart

    Greg> but recently this has stopped working, ie restart will stop
    Greg> named but doesn't restart it again

Correct. There is no restart facility in BIND9's rndc. rndc even says
that. [There wasn't really one in BIND8 either. It was faked. An "ndc
restart" would kill and re-start the name server but didn't know about
the command-line arguments that had been supplied to the original
invocation of named.] The script above is probably invoking rndc. If
you insist on restarting the server, you will have to find some other
way of doing that: say by fixing this script. OTOH that could be a
waste of time. A name server should only ever need to be restarted
after the software has been replaced.

    Greg> when I attempt to start named using rndc it returns the
    Greg> error

    Greg> 'rndc: connect failed: connection refused'

    Greg> Any idea's why rndc is failing to connect?

Because you haven't told the name server to create a listener socket
for rndc control messages. Read the section on named.conf's controls{}
statement in the ARM.

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