Can one host name be mapped to 2 different IP addresses? (Please Help)

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Thu May 20 00:34:58 UTC 2004

Steve Werner wrote:

>I know very little about DNS, but I am learning.  I have a situation
>where I have two NICs in one server, with each NIC supporting a
>separate subnet.  I would like both NICs to have the same DNS host
>name, but I'm not sure how to do it or if it is even possible.  For
>example, I would like to use the host name "VCCWS" for
>and  Is this possible?  If so, how do I go about it.
It's trivial. Just define multiple A records with the same name.

One word of advice, though: now that you're learning about DNS, start 
thinking in terms of FQDNs (fully-qualified domain names), instead of 
short, hosts-file-sounding names like "VCCWS". If you bend over 
backwards trying to coddle your users' preference for short names, this 
is a never-ending, inefficient process and it's a bad fit for DNS, which 
was designed specifically to *break* that mold.

- Kevin

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