[Q]: Bind behaviour with Internet down....

Chris Bradshaw cwbshaw at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 22 22:10:38 UTC 2004


I have a primary DNS server for our zone (and some subzones) which is
using Bind v9.1.

I thought that all local queries were resolved by our local DNS
server, but I have noticed that when clients on our network request a
name -> IP resolution for a local host which our DNS server should be
able to answer, our DNS server still tries to contact the root DNS
servers configured in our root.hints file.

This can be a real problem when our Internet link is down, because a
lot of things run real slow, or even stop working altogether.

I was just wondering if anyone reading this might know what might be
causing this?

If this is the normal behavious of Bind is there anyway to fix this?

Thanx in advance.


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