Caching Only Nameserver with Bind9?

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Mon Mar 22 19:57:10 UTC 2004

Jim Reid wrote:

>>>>>>"Shawn" == Shawn Laemmrich <swlaemmr at> writes:
>    Shawn> I used the above, and changed the ip address ranges as
>    Shawn> appropriate (10.0.0.* network).  However, when I try to do
>    Shawn> any nslookups on a client I get:
>    Shawn>  *** Can't find server name for address
>    Shawn> Non-existent host/domain
>    Shawn> is my nameserver.  What am I doint wrong?
>Using nslookup for starters. Feed "nslookup" and "sucks" into google
>of the list archives if you need more details.
>Secondly, if you're using RFC1918 addresses, you should configure your
>name servers to answer for their reverse lookups. Or at the very least
>make sure your servers don't send queries for these zones to the
>internet. The root servers already get more than enough of that stupid
>and unnecessary traffic without you adding to it. So your caching only
>name server needs to serve the zone. Once you've done that
>you'll need to ensure the zone has a correct PTR record for
> or else reverse lookups for that IP address won't work.
>Repeat this for any other addresses you've used in your private 10/8

                                                             - Kevin

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