Caching Only Nameserver with Bind9?

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Mar 22 19:48:29 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Shawn" == Shawn Laemmrich <swlaemmr at> writes:

    Shawn> I used the above, and changed the ip address ranges as
    Shawn> appropriate (10.0.0.* network).  However, when I try to do
    Shawn> any nslookups on a client I get:

    Shawn>  *** Can't find server name for address
    Shawn> Non-existent host/domain

    Shawn> is my nameserver.  What am I doint wrong?

Using nslookup for starters. Feed "nslookup" and "sucks" into google
of the list archives if you need more details.

Secondly, if you're using RFC1918 addresses, you should configure your
name servers to answer for their reverse lookups. Or at the very least
make sure your servers don't send queries for these zones to the
internet. The root servers already get more than enough of that stupid
and unnecessary traffic without you adding to it. So your caching only
name server needs to serve the zone. Once you've done that
you'll need to ensure the zone has a correct PTR record for or else reverse lookups for that IP address won't work.
Repeat this for any other addresses you've used in your private 10/8

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