shorten cache ttl?

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Jun 30 19:14:49 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Marten" == Marten Lehmann <lehmann at> writes:

    Marten> Bind seems to remember the "I didn't find such a record at
    Marten> the authoritative dns" for some time and does not ask the
    Marten> authoritative nameserver again the second time, while
    Marten> djbdns does. I guess BIND uses sort of TTL, but whats the
    Marten> TTL of a non existing record? But even existing entries
    Marten> are cached to long (but maybe according to the TTL of the
    Marten> authoritative nameserver). Can I overwrite the TTL of the
    Marten> authoritative nameservers at my caching nameserver, so
    Marten> that the records expire earlier?

BIND implements negative caching: "remember that the name/class/qtype
you asked for doesn't exist". How long it remembers those answers
depends on the data sent by authoritative server. It's usually the
value of the MINIMUM field of the SOA record for the zone enclosing
the name that was looked up. Read RFC2308.

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