Looking for DNS reverse lookup service

Alan Shackelford ashackel at jhmi.edu
Tue Jun 15 01:20:53 UTC 2004

I don't really think this is possible unless you have access to the 
files representing the zone data on the primary master DNS. Even then 
there is nothing to say there is not a name from a totally separate DNS 
pointing to the IP address. So if you saw such a thing it was either a 
false claim or a scam. I can't see how one could possibly guarantee 
accuracy in the moving, changeable Internet (I have enough trouble 
within JHU and JHMI).


Humes, David G. wrote:

>A few weeks ago I ran accross a for-fee service that claimed to provide all
>the names associated with an IP address rather than just the single name
>that you get with a typical nslookup reverse lookup.  Unfortunately, I
>forgot to bookmark the site and have now googled through about 20 pages
>without success.  Can anyone provide a referal for this service?

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