rndc reload / rndc reconfig do not add new zones from included files

John Fawcett no-spam at tiscali.it
Mon Jun 14 21:50:36 UTC 2004

I am using bind 9, on Suse 9.0. I have an issue with "rndc reload" and "rndc
reconfig" which does not seem to read newly added zones where those zones
are in an include file.

I don't specify zones (other than "." "localhost" and "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa)
directly in named.conf but instead use the following include statement:

include "/etc/named.conf.include";

The /etc/named.conf.include is a Suse generated file which contains various
other includes. In my case there is:

include "/etc/named.d/captured-zones.conf";

In captured-zones.conf I put the zone statements for domains (usually run by
spammers) to which I want to block access from the local network:

zone "meds4sd.com" IN { type master; file "master/dummy-block.zone"; };
where the dummy-block.zone file just points to

Whenever I add a new zone definition to captured-zones.conf and then run
rndc reload, I get this log entry

Jun 14 23:34:12 turate named[24241]: loading configuration from
but the zone is not loaded.

rndc reconfig doesn't load the new zone either.

I have to restart named to get the new zone loaded. Is there a short cut to
loading new zones without having to restart named?


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