Jim Reid jim at
Tue Jul 13 23:32:33 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Yann" == Yann Debonne <bind9-users at> writes:

    Yann> Thank you all so much for the info.  That was definitely the
    Yann> problem.  And Jim, because of what you wrote below, I now
    Yann> know why I never had this problem before.  This is the first
    Yann> time that I have not explicitly use fully qualified,
    Yann> dot-terminated domain names throughout the zone file.

So learn from that lesson, OK?

    Yann> So, just for the record, what if I WANT to place the TXT and
    Yann> RP records at the bottom of the file with CNAME options?  Is
    Yann> there any syntax that can be put before the TXT and RP
    Yann> records so I can drop them to the bottom?  Or is my only
    Yann> option to use fully qualified, dot-terminated domain names
    Yann> throughout the zone file?

    Yann>     >> www            CNAME
    Yann>     >> ftp            CNAME

    Yann>     >>                IN      TXT     "Location: Yann's Office"
    Yann>     >>                IN      RP .

In this case, moving the TXT & RP records before the CNAMEs would
"fix" the problem. But the zone file would still be broken (sort of)
and a potential disaster waiting to happen. All that would take is
adding another CNAME in the right/wrong place that doesn't have a
fully qualified dot-terminated domain name. To be brutally blunt, just
putfully qualified dot-terminated domain names *everywhere* in *all*
your zone files. That way there is no dependency of any resource
record -- accidental or intentional -- on some preceding resource
record in the zone file. Just don't let yourself wander into that
trap. It's easily avoided. And avoiding that trap also makes managing
and troubleshooting the zone files a whole lot easier.

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