BIND upgrade and secondary maintenace

Vinny Abello vinny at
Thu Jul 1 13:28:48 UTC 2004

At 06:28 AM 7/1/2004, David W. Brown wrote:
>Hello BIND gurus, I have recently upgraded BIND to 9.2.3 after my 
>secondary dns provider/domainname registrar performed some type of 
>so-called maintenance on their systems. After the secondary dns providers 
>re-booted their nameservers my NS stopped cacheing queries. The secondary 
>dns providers whois shows the IP of their so-called secondary nameserver 
>as primary master listed first and my NS is listed second. I think this is 
>why my nameserver no longer caches queries. Please advise, David.

If you're referring to the order that IP addresses are listed in WHOIS 
information, that is irrelevant. By no means does the order signify a 
master or slave server. Are you using forwarders in your caching server? If 
so, is it possible the server you were forwarding to no longer allows 

Vinny Abello
Network Engineer
Server Management
vinny at
(973)300-9211 x 125
(973)940-6125 (Direct)
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