common zone file

Len Conrad LConrad at
Wed Aug 11 17:27:27 UTC 2004

>it is possible with BIND 9.2.2
>to host domain with same zone file
>like that
>zone "" {type master; file "common1.db"; };
>zone "" {type master; file "common1.db"; };

yes, this works perfectly.  a very powerful technique for reducing zone 
admin chores when zones contain the same records.  If you have more than 
one group of zones, then use file common1 for group1, common2 for group2, ...

note that is only works on the zone master.  the zone slave will need a 
unique name per zone backup file.

To obtain the same type of leverage within non-identical zone files but 
share some records, use the control statement $INCLUDE.   common 
NS,  common MX, and $TTL are the types of records amenable to $INCLUDE 


>how to do this common zone file
>all zone have same A record , same MX and same CNAME .

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