How to run BIND 9.2.3 with different GID (old -g option?)

Alex Rainchik rainchik at
Wed Apr 28 20:33:02 UTC 2004


I remember that in BIND 8.x.x there was -g option that allowed
BIND to run as a member of different group. Kinda similar to
what option -u does for chaning user id. So we used to run

named -u dns -g dns -w /var/named

It looks like option -g is still in BIND 9, but id does 
completely different things now...

My question is how do I run named with different group (dns in 
my example). Are there any plans to return similar option back?

Or may be I can just change named binary so it will be SETGID, something
like that?

chgrp dns named
chmog g+s named

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