Incorrect nameserver address - where is it coming from?

Michael Barber mikeb at
Thu Apr 15 23:06:20 UTC 2004

Hmm....I have a follow on question about this.

We have thousands of websites that need to have the DNS moved just like
this.....with hundreds of registrars.  Do we have to visit the registrar for
every website?  This is bizarre to me.

Why is the IP address glued for the name server.  It too occassionally has
to change....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Duane Wessels" <c2de at>
To: "Greg Larkin" <glarkin at>
Cc: <comp-protocols-dns-bind at>
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: Incorrect nameserver address - where is it coming from?

> > My question is - where are all of the rest of the name servers that
> > I've queried getting the old address from?  Do I have to delete
> > NS.SOURCEHOSTING.NET from the WHOIS record for a while to get things
> > to settle down, then re-add it or something like that?
> When you registered the name, you entered your NS.SOURCEHOSTING.NET
> and its IP address as a nameserver.   That address is in the .net
> zone as a glue record.  If you run 'dig
>' you'll see the old address.
> You need to visit your registrar (for and change
> the IP address of the nameserver.  For GoDaddy, see the FAQ entry
> titled "How do I register my own name servers with"
> Duane W.

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