Solaris 9/BIND Version 9.2.3rc1 in a chroot environment/dns_master_load: out of memory

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Sep 15 18:07:37 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Glo" == Glo Worm <gloworm at> writes:

    Glo> When I changed the datasize variable in named.conf from 20M
    Glo> to 21M and re-ran rndc reload, I get the following error:

Well if you insist on making the name server use small amounts of
RAM/VM, it's reasonable to expect the name server to moan about not
having enough memory to work in. Increasing the name server's memory
footprint from 20M to 21M is not very generous. Is your system really
that RAM-poor?

    Glo> Sep 15 08:36:56 ns1 named[14060]: [ID 866145 daemon.warning] set maximum data size to 22020096: permission denied 
    Glo> Sep 15 08:36:56 ns1 named[14060]: [ID 866145 daemon.error] could not listen on UDP socket: permission denied

The name server is running as a non-privileged UID that does not have
permission to (a) set increased memory limits for itself; (b) bind to
privileged port numbers. You'll need to restart the server so it can
do those things before it changes to the non-privileged UID you chose.

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