zone files for subdomains...

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Sep 15 15:31:54 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Bill" == bmanning  <bmanning at> writes:

    >> Failing to make the delegation in the parent is completely and
    >> utterly wrong.

    Bill> 	wrong from the perpsective of a fully linked heirarchy
    Bill> that can be traversed, yes.

Which was/is the context raised by the original poster.

    >> If there's no delegation for some zone in its parent zone, that
    >> child zone simply does not exist. End of story.

    Bill> 	Er, thats putting it a bit strong. If I ask a question
    Bill> of an authoritative server, it does not matter (in todays
    Bill> DNS) if the question is "unlinked" up the chain.  The zone
    Bill> exists and the authoritative server will answer for it.

True, but unless someone knows in advance what zones that server has,
there is no way of finding such an "unlinked" zone. It can't be found
by traversing a chain of NS records from the root. So that zone will
be like bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster: it might "exist" but
nobody's been able to find it. Debating the existence of these
unlinked zones is a bit like asking if a tree makes a sound when
it falls down if nobody is there to hear it.

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