A little help please Thanks

Barry Margolin barry.margolin at level3.com
Fri Oct 31 15:37:04 UTC 2003

In article <bnspq9$nd1$1 at sf1.isc.org>,
News Subsystem <news at news.astraweb.com> wrote:
>yes now, as I have put my zone file on another nameserver (a friends)
>so it is using his as a pointer only. in my log file it constantly
>shows denied here is a short clip of my log file
>Oct 28 15:45:16 server named[1305]: client ::ffff: query
>'ns1.edschooler.com/IN' denied

>the only way I could get www.edschooler.com was to put zone and point
>from my freinds server to point here. I have removed all firewall
>software ie susefirewall opened my router up with dmz and still get
>the denials something is stopping it and I can't figure it out

The "query denied" messages don't come from a firewall, they're coming from
named itself.  Look in your named.conf file for "allow-query" or
"allow-recursion" statements that are restricting queries.

>try this www.msbinda.com it is at the same location but from the
>internet I can't hit it, but from using my server it works great.
>everthing from within the server works great but not from outside.
>I have not setup the second nameserver as I am trying to get mine up
>and running

I just accessed www.msbinda.com.  I got a page with "Coming Soon".

However, there's a problem with this domain.  The delegation record in the
COM domain is:

msbinda.com. IN NS ns1.edschooler.com.

but the NS record in the domain itself is:

msbinda.com. IN NS edschooler.com.

The NS records should match.

PLEASE enter your domain into www.dnsreport.com before coming here.  If it
reports problems, you should fix them first.  If your domain still has
problems THEN it's time to come looking for more advanced help.

Barry Margolin, barry.margolin at level3.com
Level(3), Woburn, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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