Upgrade to 2000 DNS or stay with Unix Bind (Coexistence) ?

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at tesco.net
Wed Jul 23 11:53:09 UTC 2003

DM> What advantage does MS DNS give that the OP would want to 
DM> move away from BIND?

As I said in the message you are replying to, he seems from what he writes to
have _already made_ the decision to move away from BIND on Solaris to
Microsoft's DNS server, and is looking for a rationale to justify it after the
fact rather than for technical information to help him make such a decision in
the first place.  

Of course, Microsoft's DNS server does have features that ISC's BIND does not
and that may be desirable benefits to some; such as multi-master database
replication, for example.  However, migration is not wholly without cost, both
direct and additional.  I have pointed out one of the additional costs: the
knock-on effect whereby one has to replace other parts of one's system with
Microsoft products.  (Of course, this sword cuts both ways.  There's the same
knock-on effect on other parts of the system if one is migrating _from_
Microsoft's DNS server.)

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