Trying to make NS resolve all requests to a certain ip

Mike K mikeslists at
Wed May 1 00:49:05 UTC 2002

I have a box setup w/ bind8.  I want all requests to resolve to a certain
ip.  Here's how I currently have it setup.  Any idea why it doesn't work?

In my named.conf:
zone "." {
        type master;
        file "named.root";


$TTL    3600
@       IN      SOA  (
                                2002043000        ; Serial
                                3600    ; Refresh
                                900     ; Retry
                                3600000 ; Expire
                                3600 )  ; Minimum
        IN      NS      <box's ip>
*       IN      A       <ip i want all requests to resolve to>

This works when I try "nslookup w <box's ip>" ..... but "nslookup
<box's ip>", it shows Can't find Non-existent host/domain

Any ideas?

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