Why Bind searches two times before answearing?

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Tue Mar 26 03:16:48 UTC 2002

At 09:11 PM 3/25/02, Kevin Darcy wrote:

>Well, you say your forwarder "works great when directly contacted", but
>the symptoms you describe sound more like the forwarder is taking too
>long to answer the queries. What happens if you query the forwarder
>directly from your nameserver? Is the response time reasonable? This
>should mimic exactly what your nameserver is doing when resolving queries
>for its clients.

This isn't really true.  A nameserver uses all of it's own functions for 
and never uses the O/S's resolver that other applications use.  It doesn't even
look at resolv.conf. Since dig, lookup and host that come with BIND uses the
same code as the nameserver they also do not follow the same functionality
as a regular application.


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