Forwarders and MX records.......

Simon Waters Simon at
Wed Mar 20 22:54:36 UTC 2002

Barry Margolin wrote:
> I don't think there's any way for you to override the MX record in DNS.
> However, many mailers allow you to configure static forwarding for specific
> domains, so you should be able to tell your mail server to send mail for
> to their Internet mailer instead of following the MX record.

Good idea, and clean to implement.....

If you have a lot of mailers.... You could override the hostname
pointed to by the MX record.... MX 10

You could host a zone called "" put an
A record in.

Obviously this depends on whether you need to reach the host for
other things, it isn't clean, or pretty, and should be replaced
as soon as possible with a solution like Barry's.

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