Forwarders and MX records.......

Madden, Jay F Jay.Madden at
Wed Mar 20 17:38:31 UTC 2002

I have a zone for which I am not authoritative...We have an internal
connection to the network that is authoritative.....Here is the entry in my

zone "" {
 type          forward ;
                 forward only ;
                 forwarders      { x.x.x.x; x.x.x.x; } ;
} ; 

I was wondering if there is a way to force the MX record to something other
than what comes back from the server specified here. The situation is that
we are two companies (which are splitting) which share internal lookups via
forwarders (above) but I want to force their mail out to their internet
mailer instead of their inside mail server which is what comes back from the
MX record in their internal zone. So the question is can I force their MX
record to point at their internet mail server.........Any ideas and opinions
are appreciated.........Another note is that these companies are migrating
apart and we will eventually no longer be connected, thus the desire to
begin routing the email out the internet connection....TIA


Jay Madden
Technical Systems Engineer
The Relizon Company

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