DDNS and DHCP errors

Simon Waters Simon at wretched.demon.co.uk
Thu Jul 11 08:06:28 UTC 2002

Sreeni P wrote:
> i see by looking into the log file. 1)
> requests are being denied 

allow-update takes the machine sending the update in the ACL,
not the machines the updates are about --- which is usually the
dhcpd server IP. So should be allowed to update the

It is possible to allow clients to update their own DNS entries
(ala W2K), but it is usually recommended to let the DHCP server
update the DNS server, so be clear what "big picture" you are
trying to paint before following "how-to" advice.

I'd suggest using "keys" with allow update rather than using IP
addresses for security (which muddle your layers, and may be
less reliable with connectionless protocols). But maybe try that
after it all works ;)

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