random for solaris

Steve Foster fosters at uk.psi.com
Tue Jul 2 07:19:23 UTC 2002


i have had to go searching for a /dev/random for solaris2.6 as it is not
included as standard. I have found an installed the ANDIrand package from
http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~andi/ and it works well, when built into bind9.2.1

It installs the random generator as /dev/urandom, and then if you configure
bind with

./configure --with-randomdev=/dev/urandom etc.etc...

It them allows you to run rndc-confgen and not have to type into it to
generate the rndc.key, this is useful to me as i can now package the
binaries, and add rndc-confgen to my postinstall phase for installing from
a jumpstart build.

hope this helps somebody..


Steve Foster
Senior Systems Administrator
PSINet Europe
Work: +44 (1223) 577322
Mobile: +44 (7720) 425911

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