BIND 8.3.0 installation question

Joaquin J. Domens jdomens at
Mon Jan 14 16:42:24 UTC 2002

Hi all,

I upgrading from BIND 8.2.3 version to 8.3.0,  O.S is Solaris 8 and I've
installed it correctly, everything seems to be right, but when I run ndc
status this is what I get at the last line

    server is initialising itself

While in the other machines i'm running bind 8.2.3 it says:

    server is up and running

The only difference is that this machine is without traffic at

Is there something wrong with that ?¿

Thanks in advance

PS: I've just reloaded the server and now the message it's ok (up and
running), but i would like what the other message means anyway.

Is there any good documentation about ndc commands ?¿

Joaquin J. Domens
Area de Aplicaciones
Terra Networks
Tlfno: 91 375 23 84

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