DNS & Load-Balancing

Pete Ehlke pde at ehlke.net
Fri Jan 4 23:09:56 UTC 2002

* maxmagna <maxmagna at hotmail.com> said, on [020104 14:56]:
> I am trying to collect information about Real-World problems that have been
> observed to occur when performing load balancing using DNS. I want to
> understand what issues tend to manifest with high frequency (w.r.t. load
> balancing), and that can affect seriously performance / availability of
> service.

IMNSHO, DNS is almost *never* the right answer if the question involves
load balancing, but far more eloquent folks than I have done a quite
good job of debating this point. I'd suggest that you search the NANOG
archives- Vixie and others have at various times produced astonishingly
useful threads on this very subject.


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