
phn at phn at
Tue Aug 20 06:01:44 UTC 2002

Eric Gregory <egregory at> wrote:
> Got a question for anyone willing to help.

> I'm running a bind 9.1 server on FreeBSD 4.5, The server will be both a
> cacheing and authoritative name server.

%%% stuff deleted %%%%%

> When trying to use NSlookup even on the bind machine.  I'm sure that this is
> something to do with the reverse DNS for the IP address but how can I make
> it work, is it the fact that I'm using the reserved IP address that's
> causing the problem, Any help would be greatly appreciated.

> Thanks
> ERic Gregory.

bind 9.1 is old. It's not the cause of your problems but you should
replace it.

As for the rest of your problem, it's simply not enough data. No config,
no logmessages and no possibility to reach and diagnoze over the net.

The only thing that could be mentioned is "avoid nslookup, use proper tools"

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
	   remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.

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