TTLs' and notifies

Steve Foster fosters at
Thu Aug 15 14:22:36 UTC 2002

At 13:54 15/08/02 GMT, phn at wrote:
>the slave should upon receiving a notify set teh SOA TTL to zero, 
>which triggers a serial number check and a following zonetransfer.

or not, if it determines the serial is the same as the one it already has
and just reloads the zone...

>Expiration of a zone is something else, it's when a slave hasn't 
>been able to check serial and starts returning SERVFAIL for
>queries about that zone.

so potentially a network issue could cause the domain to expire on my
secondaries, and not be able to be refreshed until named restarts, or the
primary sends a notify...

i am seeing the domain expire quite often, and also the named-xfer failing
with premature EOF, so i beleive the 2 could be linked, i have just seen a
further post from  Danny Mayer suggesting that bind8 on win32 has this
issue, so i am checking with the customer to find out what he is running.

Cheers guys


Steve Foster
Senior Systems Administrator
PSINet Europe
Work: +44 (1223) 577322
Mobile: +44 (7720) 425911

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