Newbie question: meanings of IP address number groups?

James A Griffin agriffin at
Mon Sep 24 12:12:13 UTC 2001

Marty wrote:
> Is there a simple description somewhere that explains the purpose of the 4
> groups of numbers in IP addresses?
> I've been told that there is a tabular list somewhere that equates the first
> group of numbers with  geographic areas (?).
> What do the three groups following do?  Or are they just sequentially
> assigned?
> Any explanations or references,  "IP Addresses for Dummies" type,   would be
> appreciated.

An interesting tutoral on "IP Addressing and subnetting" can be found

The content is good, but note; you must have Microsofts's Internet
Explorer and Media Player to use the site.  I guess this indicates that
it fits your criteria of '"IP Addressing for Dummies" type'.


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