can't open c:\wiint\system32\dns\etc\named.conf

Adam (Snowboard) adam at
Fri Sep 21 18:16:35 UTC 2001

I am a new user to bind and have just installed a new version of bind 8.2.4 on winnt server and am getting the error:

can't open c:\wiint\system32\dns\etc\named.conf 

when I try to start up the service. The file does exist in the directory c:\wiint\system32\dns\etc\ but for some reason the bind can't access/open it. I have no idea why this is happening. I have looked at the permissions and the file is archive and everyone had full control over it. I have tried uninstalling bind and reinstalling it and still no luck. Do I have to do anything special to BIND after I install it for it to read the file? Or should it just read it in the etc directory by default?

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