More newbie questions

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Fri Sep 21 14:35:08 UTC 2001

At 9:12 AM -0500 9/21/01, Pons, Eric wrote:

>  I have successfully installed BIND 8.2.4 on Linux with the default setting
>  and zones which enable me to resolve internet names, which is what I want to
>  do. What I would like to know is, do the names that get resolved, does that
>  data get saved somewhere?

	If you're resolving names on the Internet via your own 
caching/recursive server, then yes -- this information gets cached in 
the memory attached to the "named" process running on your machine.

>                            If not, is there anyway for me to setup a DNS
>  server that only resolves internet (not local) names that would be more
>  efficient than these default settings?

	Any more efficient than what you've already done?  No, not that I 
know of.  Now, odds are that there may be more secure configurations 
(depending on whether or not you allow external recursive queries to 
be made to your machine), but not that would be more efficient.

	I'd recommend that you search the archives of this list for more 
pointers on how to set up your servers for maximum security as well 
as performance.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>


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