Greetings list, Bind 8 issue:

Michael Kjorling michael at
Thu Oct 18 14:21:17 UTC 2001

Hash: SHA1

Well, I would say that it's rather obvious that this is _some_ kind of
DNS problem. In this case, most likely a mismatch between forward and
reverse DNS. (What a reverse lookup returns should be lookupable and
yield the original IP address. A lot of programs do checks like that.)

Since when you add the offending IPs to /etc/hosts (thus making them
resolve to something) everything works fine, why don't you just add
them to your DNS servers and make sure that is
properly delegated to you?

Michael Kjörling

On Oct 18 2001 10:03 -0400, Drew J. Weaver wrote:

>          206.222.10.x resolves, they all have reverses[I think its worth
> noting that they have NEVER had forwards(i.e. a records et cetera) and this
> is a recent problem that only started about a week ago] If I put the
> 206.222.10.x range in /etc/hosts on the mail server it works perfectly, but
> obviously that is not a solution it's the sysadmin's duct tape. I've been
> mulling over my named.conf and the zones for the set of reverses for the
> last few days and I see nothing wrong with any of it.
>          Any insight here would be most helpful, thank you for your time and
> consideration.
>          -Drew

- -- 
Michael Kjörling  --  Programmer/Network administrator  ^..^
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