Primary DNS server doesn't reply correctly...

Danny Mayer mayer at
Wed Nov 28 05:17:44 UTC 2001

At 08:48 PM 11/27/01, Erik Röser wrote:
>Wise men and women!
>I have a somewhat strange DNS problem. It seems that my primary server does
>not reply correctly to DNS answers - but my secondaries do (I'm using
>easydns as secondary service).
>When all DNS servers are running I get random errors accessing my sites. But
>as soon as I stop my primary server, everything works fine. Of course this
>is a limited option, since the secondaries time out. The secondary servers
>are updated from the exact same configuration - so I'm more than puzzled.
>What configuration parameter in named.conf have I screwed up? Or is it
>something else?

Upgrade immediately to BIND 8.2.5.  I bunch of NT-specific bugs were fixed
in that release.

Also read Len Conrad's reply. You appear to have a bunch of other errors in
your zone files. You should fix those errors and then try again.  If you still
have problems, follow up in this newgroup/mailing list with a specific example
of a problem that you are seeing.  Also look in the log files that were created
for errors as well as the application event log.


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