Newbie doubt

Lee Evans lee at
Fri Nov 9 00:14:03 UTC 2001

you should probably restrict xfer's from machines other than those you 
explicity want to allow. Use the "allow-transfer {server1; server2;};" 
syntax within the options or individual zone statements to do this.

Lee Evans
Vital Online Ltd

John Smith wrote:

>I'm going to "turn on" a public DNS server, I've built it with bind9,
>it will host some domains (master) and will serve as primary dns for
>my users playing with my internet dialup service.
>I've not very much experience in doing that, but all tests work fine.
>Just a question: 
>what type of server is better to do ? A primary only or caching or
>forwarding ... What is better that I put inside that damn named.conf ?
>Please, provide a little example, it's better than any words :-)
>Actually I've no options (except directory), "." zone, and only my
>domains as "type master".

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